Leadership Books is the #1 Publisher of books by todayās thought leaders. We publish books from a select group of expert authors, and we help those authors extend their brand and grow their audience.
Our team is interested in meeting you, and learning about what you do. In order to make our time together more meaningful, please WATCH THIS VIDEO.
As Ron mentions in the video, weāre very selective in choosing our authors. Thatās because Leadership puts in a great deal of work to help springboard your already-successful career into becoming an author and speaker. Our work together will be an active partnership, so please make sure you can answer the questions Ron asked when you schedule your call.
On your call, youāll speak with an acquisitions team member who will give you an honest evaluation of your goals, manuscript concept, and your platform.
Before you call, here are three other things to do:
Make sure to prepare any questions you may have.
Ask yourself if you can commit to completing your manuscript.
Watch this webcast in its entirety ->Ā Ā HERE. <- Very Important!
Our acquisitions team is looking forward to talking with you!
Click the link below to book a free consultation and discover how you, too, could be one of Leadership Booksā many success stories. Let us show you how publishing your book with Leadership can enhance your platform and drive sales to your organization.
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