...a journey that will deepen your life and impact your family, your church and your community. In just 41 days you can see your life awaken, faith grow and a life of sacrifice experiences. In just 41 days you can begin to deepen your life of generosity. Rarely does your generosity motivate others into their own personal lifestyle of generosity. But we want to challenge you to take a few minutes each day, to read A Journey to Generosity and take the challenge. Go ahead; see if the Holy Spirit will deeply change you with each challenge. Then take the ultimate generosity challenge and buy one book for your friends and your Pastor. Ask them to read it and take the daily challenge. Imagine what might just happen next.
Michael Stickler, Author
Buy One for Your Friends and Your Pastor
"In his concise and potent guide to a generous life, Mike Stickler offers a very practical and biblically faithful tour of the fundamental principles of a life that invests in eternity by transmuting the lead of what is passing away into the gold of what will endure forever."Dr. Kenneth Boa, KenBoa.org |
"This devotional has challenged me in a most refreshing way on my journey of learning to be "generous on every occasion". These daily readings are fantastic reminders to rely on the truth in God's Word and to be led by His Spirit in generous living!"Mike Weaver, Big Daddy Weave, Christian recording artist |
"The church in America needs many things. A generous spirit and life is near the top of the list. Read this book and accept the challenge!"Dr. John Jackson, President of William Jessup University Author of six books on Transformational Leadership and Personal Renewal. |
"This book tells you step by step how to find the joy, responsibility, challenges and rewards God has for giving generously. You will find it also gives you a happy heart when you think about giving!"Arch Bonnema, Philanthropist |
"The word "generous" originally had the meaning of a person from "noble birth." What it meant was that generous people were a cut above the crowd and because of their charity it seemed that they were from nobility. Mike has written a phenomenal book of what it means to walk in that nobility. If you want to change your life and change the lives of others you need to get this book, read it, re-read it, live it, and teach it. And then watch as you change the world one day at a time." Mike Holmes, Tithehacker.com |
"I've known Mike 11 years and I have huge respect for him. I love the fact he's taking his life-long learning, knowledge, and passion, and placing it into a book to be share with the rest of us. Mike is one of the best I've ever met when it comes to looking at the heart of why something exists. If anything was created to make our world a better place, it has to be created with God's vision of how we make it sustainable. In 41 days, Mike will help you understand how we create the foundation to make things last as long God needs them to last and become everything it was never meant to be." Peter Strople, Philanthropist |
You may also contact Mike at Leadership Speakers Bureau to schedule him for speaking or leadership engagements.