Sell More Books
This 40-minute FREE TRAINING is one that every Business and Ministry Leader should attend. It’s designed for professional speakers, entrepreneurs, pastors, and consultants who desire to increase their platform, build a broader audience and secure high-value clients.
● You Are Not Alone!
● The Average Non-Fiction Author Sells Only 500 Books
● Just 2% Sell Over 5,000 Copies
Have you or someone you know spent a year or more writing, wanting to change lives, but then the book has not sold well? In 2013, when this problem happened to our founder and publisher Michael Stickler of LeadershipBooks, he set out to solve it. And he did! A decade later, Michael has four best sellers and our traditionally published authors sell an average of 30,000 to 50,000 books.
To help struggling authors, especially those who can’t count on automatic sales from some large following on social media, Leadership Books is now offering a free online course on how to ... Sell More Books.
Those Under Age 30 Mostly Don't Read, Meaning They Will Not Buy Your Book.
The Good News:
They Can Read, but Mostly Don’t. So How Do They Get Their Information?
Statistics tell us that the vast majority of today’s young people (and many older) learn from whoever they follow on social media. In fact, they are engaged learners who seek the right videos, and are even happy to purchase them. That’s why we accompany each book with an online course—something besides an eBook or audiobook—and the average author earns 5 times more from this innovative publishing addition, than they do from their lucrative sales of 30,00- 50,000 traditional books: Our authors earn an average of $500,000 from their video course. How do we do it?
This 50-minute FREE TRAINING is one that every Business and Ministry Leader should attend. It’s designed for professional speakers, entrepreneurs, pastors, and consultants who desire to increase their platform, build a broader audience and secure high-value clients.
Reserve your spot now: