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Generous Life

Blessed be the Generous - day 27
Blessed be the Generous - day 27

Generosity is often portrayed as what you do for other people. When someone needs...

Generosity and Hospitality: More than Writing a Check - day 26
Generosity and Hospitality: More than Writing a Check - day 26

You know, I talk about generosity a lot. One thing Iā€™ve noticed is that...

None of Your Stuff is Coming with You to Eternity - day 25
None of Your Stuff is Coming with You to Eternity - day 25

Anyone who has ever moved has had this thought: ā€œWow, I canā€™t believe I...

Why Be Generous? - day 24
Why Be Generous? - day 24

Why Be Generous? 1...

Generosity in the Big Picture - day 23
Generosity in the Big Picture - day 23

Generosity is a surprising thing. You see, a lot of people thinkĀ they canā€™t be...

Nothing is hidden from God
Being Rich Toward God - day 22

In Luke Chapter 12:16-21, Jesus teaches this parable about a prosperous rich man. This...

Selflessness vs greed
Life is More Than the Things We Own - day 21

What makes for a full life? Is it the home we live in? Is...

Estate planning
Living Generously Even When You're Dead - day 20

Proverbs 13:22 says that one of the generosities a good man can show is...

Giving Generously
God Blesses You Financially so that You Can Bless Others - day 19

When children are little, they are learning new things virtually every single day. As...

It is Appropriate to Ask People How You Can Help - day 18
It is Appropriate to Ask People How You Can Help - day 18

There is so much we can learn from Jesus. Sometimes it is just astounding....

Some People are Called to Extravagant Generosity - day 17
Some People are Called to Extravagant Generosity - day 17

It's been said that one of the best reasons to buy real estate is...

God Has Good Works for You to do in Your Lifetime - day 16
God Has Good Works for You to do in Your Lifetime - day 16

ā€œWhat am I doing in life?ā€ This is a question many people ask at...