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Seven Best Books for Professional Leadership Development

Seven Best Books for Professional Leadership Development

Consistent professional development for leaders is critical for business success. Several business leaders have been there and done that and have also written excellent books to guide others to do the same. You can read the following seven books to demonstrate incredible leadership skills and steadily improve them.

Jim Collins' ā€œGood to Great: The Reason Some Businesses Take the Stepā€

If there is one book that has truly stood the test of time, it is Jim Collinsā€™ ā€œGood to Great.ā€ The title signifies professional development, and the book exemplifies the difference between good and outstanding businesses. He has compiled essential traits that excellent firms must possess, including proficient leadership and management and a stringent corporate culture. Business leaders looking to grow their companies from good to great must read this book.

Eric Ries' ā€œThe Lean Startupā€

ā€œThe Lean Startupā€ by Eric Ries has achieved a lot of prominence in recent times. This book showcases the creation of successful startups, especially considering their high failure rate. The emphasis is on quick market testing and recapitulating to develop a product-market fit. Any budding entrepreneur looking to create the next big thing in the business world must read this book.

Stephen Covey's ā€œThe 7 Habits of Highly Successful Peopleā€

There are not enough superlatives to describe ā€œThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peopleā€ by Stephen Covey. It is a best-selling and time-tested book loved by millions worldwide. These seven behaviors are signs of productive leadership, such as proactivity and understanding others before attempting to be understood themselves. Leaders willing to develop their skills further must read this book.

Clayton Christensen's ā€œThe Innovator's Dilemmaā€

In his book ā€œThe Innovator's Dilemma,ā€ Clayton Christenson explores the reasons behind frequent business failure. He feels that successful businesses find it tough to innovate because of the constant preoccupation with keeping hold of current client and product relationships. If you want to know the secrets of innovation and avoid business failure, read this book, and you will be constantly ahead of the game.

Simon Sinek's ā€œStart with Whyā€

It is essential to have a specific business purpose, as noted by Simon Sinek in his book ā€œStart with Why.ā€ It is not important to focus on the what or how of businesses but the why. Simon Sinek believes that staff motivation and a purpose-driven culture are secrets to business success. If you believe in that, do read this book.

Ben Horowitz's ā€œThe Hard Thing About Hard Thingsā€

Running a startup is never easy. In fact, it is super challenging to get them off the ground, break even, and eventually make a profit. This is why Ben Horowitzā€™s book ā€œThe Hard Thing About Hard Thingsā€ is an essential read to navigate startups in adverse situations. Business leaders should read this book to earn from othersā€™ experiences and be more ready to face challenges.

Simon Sinek's ā€œLeaders Eat Lastā€

Simon Sinek features again on this list, and for a very good reason. According to him in ā€œLeaders Eat Last,ā€ leaders must put teams first over themselves. Prioritizing team happiness builds a trust-based culture and fosters loyalty among the team. This is why this book is a highly essential read.

The seven books are written by successful business executives and will allow you to develop the right skills to join their list. You can build companies and drive them to success by following the secrets discussed in these books. Make sure to add them to your library to forge your path to success.



Michael Stickler is a best-selling author and internationally sought-after speaker. His highly acclaimed work includes Cliven Bundy: American Terrorist Patriot, Journey to Generosity, and Life Without Reservation. His 19th book, Ghost Patriot is his first book in the political fiction genre, and it is quickly approaching best-seller status. When not traveling the world as an author/speaker, you might find Michael in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, or on a beach near Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, writing his next book. You can find out more about Michael at

You may also contactĀ Michael atĀ Leadership Speakers BureauĀ to schedule him for speaking or leadership engagements.


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