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Ideally, defining the structure of a board of directors along with clear understanding of its responsibilities is the best practice foundation for a more effective leadership board, utilizing our Extreme Board Makeover course. This rarely occurs in new organizations, but the sooner this is accomplished, the better the result. Time and again I have seen board members, recruited as such in order to fulfill the requirements to become a church, nonprofit ministry, or other nonprofit organization, bristle when they feel as though “the rules have changed, and I was taken in.”
An effective leadership board, in order to be effective, is a board in which the members are actively involved in not only the grand scheme of the organization, but often in the nuts and bolts part of growing the ministry. An example of this is that business of ensuring that sufficient human resources are in place. While relying on your executive leadership, it is ultimately the board’s responsibility define the personnel needs of the organization in accordance with the vision of the ministry.
What kind of professional (paid) positions are required now, in the life of the organization? What will the need be for professional or executive staff in the future? What body of the work can be best served with volunteers? What training will volunteers require and are training assets available or in place?
Human Resource is but one area of responsibility that an effective leadership board must address. Your board will do so only if the board members agree that this is their responsibility. At the Vision Group website, members can find access to materials that will help structure, recruit, and train the kind of board that will get the job done in the area of human resources as well as in its other area of the ministry’s life, governance, and development.You can learn more at Raise Your Vision Online Forum.
About Michael Stickler
Mike is an author, radio host, and a highly sought after motivational speaker. His best-selling book, A Journey to Generosity, is widely acclaimed throughout the Christian community. Mike Stickler is the founder of The Vision Group, LTD. This organization offers ministries and nonprofit foundations a Christian perspective in overcoming the challenges of raising funds.
Over the course of his career, Mike has published over forty books that have made a difference through thousands of churches, nonprofits and foundations as they serve the world.
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