Powerful questions contribute to amazing insights and impact. Having coached and trained thousands of Christian leaders, Steve Ogne and Dave DeVries have learned firsthand that asking powerful questions often accelerates personal insight and forward progress. Yet, what makes a question powerful? The most powerful questions cause self-reflection and discovery. They surface information, increase awareness, or promote action. This simple book provides these kinds of questionsand shows you how to use them. Each question can be asked of yourself or to empower another Christian leader. Powerful questions are the best tool for empowering Christian leaders. Use them wisely.
Dr. Dave DeVries is a coach, trainer and strategist with Missional Challenge. He is passionate about coaching and training church planters and missional leaders to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples. His training skills have been used to mobilize church planters, pastors and ministry leaders across the country and around the world.

Steven L. Ogne