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Notes From The Valley: A Spiritual Travelogue Through Cancer

SKU: 9780802412546
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A stage-four colon-cancer-afflicted pastor is also a travel-writer sending notes from the valley of the shadow of death to cancer patients everywhere. His "travelogue" raises the big questions about God and life and faith and fear that potentially fatal illnesses inspire while offering biblical answers by way of "survival tips" for traversing that particularly dreaded wilderness.

Dr. McQuitty has been a pastor for thirty years. His shepherd's hear is on display in these pages which represent everything he would want to share with a friend who is fighting a cancer battle. That's why this book uniquely accessible blend of theology, apologetics, evangelism, and pastoral encouragement. It is not merely an academic Bible study, but rather an intensely personal and passionate testimony of the faithfulness and good of God.

Notes from the Valley will obviously be relevant to Christ-followers (and their families and friends) who find themselves fighting a possibly fatal disease along with possibly fatal questions for their faith. But it will also be of interest to those outside the Christian fold who nevertheless are interested in the wisdom of God especially with regard to life, suffering, faith, healing and even death.



    Dr. Andy McQuitty spent his high school years in Paris, Texas where his father served as Senior Minister of a Presbyterian church. Andy married his high school sweetheart Alice in 1978 and they are the proud parents of five grown children and three precious grandchildren with one on the way. Andy is an avid reader, tennis court rat, golfer, Harleyrider and writer. But his favorite pastime is hanging out with his family.

    He is a graduate of Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois (1978, B.A. English, Highest Honors) with study at Oxford University and of Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas (1981, Th.M, High Honors; 1992, D.Min. receiving the C. Sumner Wemp Award in personal evangelism and the John G. Mitchell Award for outstanding scholarship and effectiveness in ministry).

    Andy wrote a dissertation on relocating a church ( Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Program to Prepare a Church Congregation for Facility Relocation, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1997) and then used his research to guide Irving Bible Church to a new $19.5 million, 17-acre campus in Las Colinas in 1996 whose main sanctuary and education buildings were dedicated in 2003 and paid off in full in 2015.

    Through missional outreach, Andy helped grow Irving Bible Church to a high of over seventy full-time staff with a nearly $11 million annual budget and ministering in weekly worship services/classes to over 4,000 souls.

    You may also contact Andy at Leadership Speakers Bureau to schedule him for speaking or leadership engagements.


    Andy has given us all a wonderful gifta comfort beyond human comfort, and a hope beyond earthly hope.
    ā€“Ā John Ortberg, senior pastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, author, Soul Keeping

    This book is amazing. Andy shows us how God can be thereis there!in the worst moments of life. This book is unflinchingly honest, rooted in eternal truth, filled with hope.
    ā€“Ā Dr. Ray Pritchard, president, Keep Believing Ministries, author, Why Did This Happen to Me?

    Andy has a wonderful story to tellbut don't expect to get the cymbals and trumpets out just yet. Let him take you into the dark depths of his pain and sorrow and concerns for his family and church and friends. Take this journey with Andy and your heart will swell with glory for the good work of God in our world today.
    ā€“ Scot McKnight, professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary; author

    Andy's foundation and framework is solidly scriptural but also very practical. You'll discover both classic and contemporary illustrations to help broaden any cancer victim's perspective on this dreaded disease. What a gift this book is to those who battle cancer, but also to the body of Christ to help all of us minister to those who are ill.
    ā€“Ā Dr. Gene A. Getz, professor, pastor, author, Plano, TX

    This book is raw and rugged, not only about the realities of cancer, but more importantly about the gritty side of ruthless trust in God. If you are fighting what appears to be a losing battle with cancer, I urge you to listen to and heed the insights of this veteran.

    ā€“ Bill Hendricks, author, The Light That Never Dies: A Story of Hope in the Shadows of Grief

    Perhaps you or someone you know is walking through the Valley and asking the why me? question. Andy McQuitty is your Travel Guide through Cancerland. He isn't just a pastor providing comfort and spiritual answers. He is a fellow traveler who has been there and can share his observations and relevant Scripture. Notes from the Valley provides hope from a personal and biblical perspective.
    ā€“Ā Kerby Anderson, president, Probe Ministries' host, Point of View

    No prepublication of a book have I felt more compelled to forward to friends and Andy McQuitty's fellow-travelers in the deep valley of the gloomy shadow of focused death. However, I shall wait to share its rich presentation of Scripture and theology from the most credible pulpit of a pastor and preacherhis ongoing experience of suffering.
    ā€“Ā Ramesh Richard, president, RREACH; professor, Dallas Theological Seminary

    My wife and I lost our youngest daughter to cancer, and we know that the desert is indeed part of the Valley. We can and must find healing for our broken hearts. May the words written in this book assure you that God's love is stronger than cancer or any valley you face.
    ā€“ James Robison, president, LIFE Outreach International, Cohost, LIFE Today

    A great book for anyone who has cancer or is on the journey with someone who does. As a cancer survivor I can attest that it helps answer many of the questions and doubts someone may have during their journey through the valley of the shadow of death. The other perspective is that you don't have to have cancer to enter the "Valley" There are many other struggles in life that can leads us into the valley and this book offers great insight and direction to handle the challenges. The author does this with great biblical insight and a touch of humor. Would highly recommend it.
    ā€“ Bill Reineck