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The Way To Brave: Shaping A David Faith For Today's Goliath World

SKU: 9780802418074
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Want to grow in courage?

It's getting harder to be a Christian in our post-Christian culture. As a pastor of 35 years, Andy is seeing the church wake from a Christian Pax Americana to an era of intensified hostility.

Based on David's courage before Goliath, The Way to Brave helps readers face the giants looming over us today, such as secularism and relativism. Bent on banishing Christian influence from public life, their power is shocking, their reach expansive, and their deployment quick. But still they are no match for our God.

The Way to Brave guides readers through the five ways God prepared David to be intrepid in facing the giant who opposed him. The qualities and experiences David possessed are the ones Christians need today. Pastor Andy McQuitty will walk you through what those are and how they can mark your life, bolstering you for the storms ahead.



Dr. Andy McQuitty spent his high school years in Paris, Texas where his father served as Senior Minister of a Presbyterian church. Andy married his high school sweetheart Alice in 1978 and they are the proud parents of five grown children and three precious grandchildren with one on the way. Andy is an avid reader, tennis court rat, golfer, Harleyrider and writer. But his favorite pastime is hanging out with his family.

He is a graduate of Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois (1978, B.A. English, Highest Honors) with study at Oxford University and of Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas (1981, Th.M, High Honors; 1992, D.Min. receiving the C. Sumner Wemp Award in personal evangelism and the John G. Mitchell Award for outstanding scholarship and effectiveness in ministry).

Andy wrote a dissertation on relocating a church ( Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Program to Prepare a Church Congregation for Facility Relocation, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1997) and then used his research to guide Irving Bible Church to a new $19.5 million, 17-acre campus in Las Colinas in 1996 whose main sanctuary and education buildings were dedicated in 2003 and paid off in full in 2015.

Through missional outreach, Andy helped grow Irving Bible Church to a high of over seventy full-time staff with a nearly $11 million annual budget and ministering in weekly worship services/classes to over 4,000 souls.

You may also contact Andy at Leadership Speakers Bureau to schedule him for speaking or leadership engagements.


In an age of ever-increasing hostility toward those who dare to actually take Jesus and the Bible seriously, Andy McQuitty shows us what it takes to courageously infiltrate and impact the culture and world God has placed us in. After all, we aren't here by mistake. We're here on special assignment.
ā€“Ā Praise for The Way to Brave

Andy McQuitty hits the nail on the head when he notes that the American public square no longer honors fundamental Christian values . . . Sincere believers aren't emulated and admired. They're scapegoated and ridiculed by our culture's top four opinion-shaping institutions. So what are we as believers to do? In these tumultuous times, we must move forward with boldnessyet in a spirit of love. Just as God prepared David for his Goliath world, He wants to shape us, too. Andy takes us through five key areas that will help equip us to fight the good fight while making a positive impact on our neighbors.
ā€“ Larry Osborne Pastor and Author, North Coast Church

Now more than ever, we live in a broken world, and the enemy is digging in. To succeed in these times we are living in, we have to be courageous so that we may go against common culture and take on Goliath. Andy McQuitty will help prepare you for the battles that lie ahead.
ā€“Ā James Robison Founder and president, LIFE Outreach International, Fort Worth, TX

The Way to Brave is indeed the need of the time we live in now. In this new book Andy shares the path that believers, who can be doorkeepers and peaceable warriors, need to follow in a culture that does not have their interests at heart. It's time to make a plan and plant a garden. Learn what that looks like practically in this fresh new volume.
ā€“Ā Bruce B. Miller

As the youth pastor of the church we attended many years ago, Andy greatly influenced our teens to walk bravely with Jesus. This book encourages us again to stand strong in these trying times as we join together to reflect the light of Christ in this dark world.
ā€“ Maureen Davis