Men, what do you crave most and how are your needs being satisfied? What Men Crave inspires confidence and infuses clarity in your self-awareness and self-control. You will be a greater advocate for the men you work with and those you work for as you become more and more, a genuine man of honor the man you were created to be.
Women, this book reveals how to more fully understand the men you work with, and the man you married.
Based on scientific and biblical research, What Men Crave explores a man's RAH cravings (Respect, Admiration, and Honor) and how essential they are to his work. Receive the clarity you need, and the encouragement you desire to be the honorable man you were created to be. A straight-forward, and pragmatic exploration of what drives a man's behaviors:
- Discover the power of a man's RAH cravings: Respect, Admiration, and Honor
- Build confidence in your unique purpose and role in work and life
- Gain insights into self-management and conflict resolution
- Become more honorable while inspiring other men to do the same
"Nothing great will ever be achieved without great men, and men are great only if they are determined to be so." quoted from Charles de Gaulle
"All it takes for a contagious manly culture to form is for one genuine man to live out genuine manhood." quoted from Mansfield's Book of Manly Men by Stephen Mansfield
"I learned early on in SEAL training the value of teamwork, the need to rely on someone else to help you through the difficult tasks." quoted from Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven.
What Love and Respect (Eggerichs) and For Women Only (Feldhahn) did for marriages, What Men Crave will do for the workplace. Man's RAH cravings (Respect, Admiration, and Honor) are not only critical to his marriage, but they are also imperative to his work.
Purchases will be signed by Bill himself! What a bonus.
Bill Simpson is a veteran pastor and business professional, halving his 40-year career between pastoral ministry and the marketplace. He holds degrees in engineering and theology. Bill's fresh and unique insights into helping churches and ministry organizations experience unity and maturity derive from a God-given passion to inspire believers to attain to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:13). He is the author of How to Ask God, Take 10 to Meno, What Men Crave, Kingdom Come Leadership, and Taxaw Temm, a practical theology book written in the Wolof language of Senegal, West Africa. Biblical encouragement through articles, blogs, and his podcast can be found at
You may also contact Bill at Leadership Speakers Bureau to schedule him for speaking or leadership engagements.
"Hey, what's up with guys?" is the central question in Simpson's latest work. At the heart of the question is how God designed men and what this means in terms of job satisfaction, work performance and dealing with difficult people in the work place. Spoiler alert: Men want respect! This book puts that reality in a fresh, Biblically informed light. As in his earlier book, How To Ask God, the author's style is succinct and readable. There's a lot to digest here, but Simpson keeps it practical, relevant and well-grounded in God's word. I'm retired now but recognize the work-a-day challenges Simpson describes. I'd have benefitted from this book then and often find it eminently applicable in my daily relationships now.
- Nancie CARRIER