Today, there are...
Over 1.8 million Nonprofits
registered with the Internal Revenue Service in the United States,
and more than half of these qualify as charitable organizations.
What does this mean for a nonprofit, especially a new or smaller organization? The competition is tough, the available funding is shrinking and the public is concerned about whether there are too many nonprofits in their community, whether they are all providing necessary services, if these organizations are managed efficiently and ethically, and if there is too much duplication of services.
Learn how your organization can emerge as one that is providing programs needed in your community.
Be an organization that has:
- evaluated and planned carefully,
- a sense of mission, vision and values,
- thinks strategically, and
- worthy of support in your community.
Would you you like to be even more successful for a few dollars more?
Join Mike for the most affordable online training to date:

You may also contact Mike at Leadership Speakers Bureau to schedule him for speaking or leadership engagements.