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Getting Started In Fundraising

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 WELCOME! I am so glad you have decided to jump right in and "get started!”  Below you will find four courses to equip you by helping you understand what you need to do to have the effective and funded organization you desire.

Session One: Where are You? First, I want you to understand why it’s important to see where you actually are in your efforts. I believe you cannot set a new course in effective fundraising without knowing first where you are and some insight on how you got here. At the end of this short video I’ll present to you an easy to use tool to accurately identify where your organization is, what you’ll need to set a course, and the steps you need to take.

Session Two: The Big Shift I have watched real changes occurring in the world of development, stewardship, and generosity. At times those shifts have felt as if an internal earthquake has hit nonprofits and ministries. The problem is, once the shaking has subsided, we go back to the "same old thing.” In this session, I want you to KNOW how things have changed and how to make the adjustments in your own efforts in order for them to be effective beyond expectations. Plus, at the end of this session I will explain how you can be part of this effort to help organizations raise $1 billion dollars.

Session Three: The HeArt of Fundraising Most nonprofits and ministries have an incorrect concept of fundraising and stewardship. They find it a chore or necessary evil that must be done. Often, I hear it feels like begging of manipulating. But fundraising is just another opportunity to encourage others and build life-long friendships, if approached properly. In this training, you will learn how to change your outlook and heart about fundraising. Learn the difference between "Needs-based" fundraising and "Vision-based" fundraising. You will see the mistakes you have made in your past approaches and how not to make them again. No matter if you are a seasoned professional or just starting a new world-changing effort, your time will be well-spent.

Session Four: The Most Common Reason You’re NOT Funded The lack of a clearly defined and highly observable vision, especially to your funders, is the biggest reason your proposal will be denied. This is my favorite topic to teach to organizations. “Vision development is a game changer.” A properly formed vision will compel funders to share in your objectives. In this session, you'll learn the definitions of — and distinguish between — vision, mission, and a “dream.” Learn how to put that vision into the culture of your organization, and how it leads to sustainable funding. If there is one session you don’t want to miss, this is it!

Course Includes:

4 Hours of Training

All Course Materials 

Dynamic Q and A Period

AND… your opportunity to go much deeper and learn more.

This course is just a beginning place for you. From here there are several directions to go (more on that later) based on your assessment. We can help you find your optimal direction for learning.

One Last note:  Please continue to watch your emails from us along the way.  You'll find some additional free goodies in there just to help you on your way.

Okay! Let's get started with – Where are you?

Your Friend,

Mike Stickler
