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How to Ask God - for What He Wants to Give You

SKU: 9780692808412
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The problem with praying is that we lack confidence. We struggle knowing if God will answer our prayer or if we even know what to ask him to do, according to his will. The truth is we often don't really know how to ask God according to his will.

Jesus gave his people an amazing promise: if we will ask according to his Father's will, we'll have everything we ask for! Really? Everything? Yes, the KEY to praying with confidence is to know that you are asking the Lord to do exactly what he wants to do, you're asking for his will to be done. But how can you know what his will is?

God tells us his will, his desires, in his Word. To pray according to his will requires that we pray the same kind of prayers that are in the Bible. After following Christ for over 35 years as a businessman, missionary, and pastor, God opened my heart and head to the key. It's right in the pages of Scripture. Jesus told us how to pray (we wrongly call it "The Lord's Prayer"), and asking for the Kingdom to come should be our primary request. But is it?

Oh, heck no. We ask him for a billion other things. How to Ask God For What He Wants to Give You will guide you into owning the prayers in the Bible for yourself. God will answer this kind of praying every time, because they are his prayers, his words. You are about to enhance your relationship with God in remarkable ways!

Purchases will be signed by Bill himself! What a bonus.



Bill Simpson is a veteran pastor and business professional, halving his 40-year career between pastoral ministry and the marketplace. He holds degrees in engineering and theology. Bill's fresh and unique insights into helping churches and ministry organizations experience unity and maturity derive from a God-given passion to inspire believers to attain to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:13). He is the author of How to Ask God, Take 10 to Meno, What Men Crave, Kingdom Come Leadership, and Taxaw Temm, a practical theology book written in the Wolof language of Senegal, West Africa. Biblical encouragement through articles, blogs, and his podcast can be found at

You may also contact Bill at Leadership Speakers Bureau to schedule him for speaking or leadership engagements.


Wonderful book that helps us sync our hearts with Jesus' and learn how to pray. From the Apostle Paul's guidance across several letters we can figure out a very practical way to pray, no matter the situation we find ourselves in, and the results we can expect from those prayers. This is a very practical book that helped me apply the very concepts that were learned in my everyday life.
- Joe

It's a great book! This is one of those books that should be read and read again and perhaps underlined to be read yet again through out the year.

- Noe Hernandez