In today's world where an organization's prospect has access to more information about the industry, key firms within that industry, and customer testimonials of those using products and services from companies in the industry, how can any organization stand out? In some industries, buyers have conducted 75 percent of their research on the Internet prior to talking to any firms to make their purchasing decisions. How do you make sure that you are not only at the table, but have a strong seat at it? It's simple. Two words: thought leadership.
With the changing environment that the Internet and social media is bringing about, it's not as much about the global organization, but the individual experts turned thought leaders in the organizations whose names you associate with expertise in their respective niches. These thought leaders are being helped by their organizations to crowdsource books and eBooks, write articles, blog, tweet, speak at conferences and webinars, as well as to get quoted in traditional media on events and trends in the marketplace. Through them, the organizations' messages are being amplified in the marketplace.
#CREATING THOUGHT LEADERS tweet Book01 helps the experts inside organizations think about and act on becoming thought leaders. Sections of the book include: why organizations should do it, what does it take, who else has made the transition, benefits they will receive, how they need to craft and define their message, and what H.E.L.P. they need to get to get to the next level.
If you are tapped by your organization to be a thought leader or are considering just diving in and taking the lead yourself, this book is for you. This aha from the beginning of the book should appeal to the organization: Prospects making purchasing decisions are looking for thought leaders in their space to learn from before taking action (#54). The last aha of this book should appeal to the expert: Being a thought leader is one of the most rewarding positions to be in life. Why not work to make it yours! (#140). You owe it to yourself to pick up and read this book ... more than once!
#CREATING THOUGHT LEADERS tweet Book01 by Mitchell Levy is part of the THiNKaha series whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out quotes (tweets/ahas).

Mitchell Levy is CEO and publisher of Happy About and Founding Partner of CEOnetworking. He is a parallel entrepreneur running a number of simultaneous businesses including Happy About, CEOnetworking, and the Silicon Valley Executive Business Program. Happy About ( is a quick-to-market book publisher whose books utilize case studies, testimonials and war stories to share wisdom. CEOnetworking brings CEOs in a room monthly to help each other succeed. The Silicon Valley Executive Business program allows students to get a unique inside perspective of business directly from the CEO and 8 members of her staff. Mr. Levy is the author of the books "Happy About Outsourcing", "Happy About Knowing What to Expect in 2006" and "", and sits on the board of directors at Rainmaker Systems (NASDAQ: RMKR). Mr. Levy was the Former Chair of at Comdex Fall and was at Sun Microsystems for nine years, the last four of which he managed the e-commerce component of Sun's $3.5 billion supply chain.