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Freddy Davis

How to Deal with Doubts about Faith
How to Deal with Doubts about Faith

The Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) is a nonprofit organization affiliated with Fuller Theological...

Bless this Abortion
Bless this Abortion

If I told you that a Baptist pastor, a Presbyterian pastor, and a...

When Justice is Racist
When Justice is Racist

The controversy over ā€œwokenessā€ has been a very prominent part of modern society...

When Churches Reject Their Own Faith
When Churches Reject Their Own Faith

Recently, polling was done among 1,200 active priests in the Church of England....

You Really Think it Couldnā€™t Happen Here?
You Really Think it Couldnā€™t Happen Here?

Americaā€™s next door neighbor, Canada, seems like it ought to...

Know Your Satanic Symbols
Know Your Satanic Symbols

Recently, the city of Concord, New Hampshire, the state capital, agreed to allow...

Christians Need Not Apply
Christians Need Not Apply

In 2023, the state of Massachusetts barred a Christian couple from fostering children...

Here We Go Again
Here We Go Again

Hereā€™s a headline for you:Ā Scientists Discover How Life on Earth Began 1.75...

How to Avoid Being a Damaged Soul
Lawbreaking as a Social Norm
Lawbreaking as a Social Norm

Following the recent presidential election, the votes in most locations were counted rather...

Why Belief in Creationism Is At An All-time Low
Why Belief in Creationism Is At An All-time Low

It has been well documented that the number of people who have rejected...

Yea for Porn?
Yea for Porn?

In the runup to the last presidential election, an ad was posted...