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One of President Trump’s early executive orders was to bar men from competing in women’s sports. Those who back the effort to allow that participation do so based on their contention that gender is personal and fluid, and that people can determine their own gender based on their personal feelings. As people who hold that belief worked their way into positions of political power, they began implementing policies that allowed “transgender” people to participate on the sports teams, and access the bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their personal gender preference.
Those who believed this way, tried to justify their position by making a distinction between sex and gender. They say that a person’s true identity is determined by their personal sense of gender, and if that did not correspond to their biological sex, they could legitimately alter their body’s makeup to make it correspond to their feelings, either surgically or chemically.
Of course, the case of women desiring to participate in men’s sports is almost non-existent. With very few exceptions, women simply can’t compete with men in sports where, in order to compete at a high level, strength and speed are required.
It is quite different, on the other hand, for men who want to compete in women’s sports. In fact, very average, and even poor men’s athletes are sometimes able to be elite when competing against women.
As a result of this transgender movement, there have now been many cases where men have been allowed on women’s teams and prevented actual women from making the team. There are other cases where those men have dominated and even won competitions that should have gone to women. In fact, the reason women’s sports were written into law in the first place was because women simply didn’t have the opportunities men had for athletic competition when only men’s sports were the norm.
Of course, push back should certainly have been anticipated as women who were being pushed aside lost opportunities to compete – and it started almost immediately. The public at large immediately recognized the blatant unfairness, as well as the immorality, of what was going on. But early on, proponents of allowing men to participate in women’s sports had the power to keep their opponents at bay. But gradually the tide turned, which ultimately led to President Trump’s executive order.
In spite of that, however, there are some states that are fighting to keep men in women’s sports (see
Those who promote “transgender” rights see all of this as a matter of fairness. In actual fact, it certainly does involve fairness, but not in the way its proponents view it. The fairness factor revolves around the fact that, physically, men and women are different. And when it comes to sports that require strength and speed, it is not fair for women to have to compete against men.
But there is an even more fundamental element to this. It is not only a matter of fairness, but of objective reality. Men and women are different. Of course, the difference does involve physical distinctions, but there are spiritual distinctions, as well that play out regarding morality.
Many of the culture war fights revolve only around the unfairness in the competition itself. But that is not the only place this war is playing out. Proponents of men being able to compete against women also want those men (who self-identify as women) to be able to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms. They even go so far as to actually claim that a transgender woman (a man who self-identifies as a woman) is an actual woman and should be able to participate as a woman. The truth is, this is an actual denial of objective reality. And when it comes to the bottom line, the difference between the two different points of view is a difference in worldview beliefs.
Proponents of “transgender rights” found their beliefs on Naturalism, the belief that the natural universe, operating by natural laws, is all that exists. With that, there is no such thing as an objective basis for morality since there is no possibility of an objectively real moral law giver. As such, they have to make up their own morality based on personal moral preferences.
Those who believe there is such a thing as objective physical and moral reality generally base their belief on their understanding that God does exist, has made physical reality to exist in a particular way, and has shared with mankind the truth about morality.
So which side represents actual reality? Surely it is the one that corresponds to the way human beings actually experience life. There are biological and spiritual differences between male and female individuals. Morally, the revelation of God in the Bible leads people to fulness and fulfillment in life, while personal relativistic morality leads to lack of meaning and purpose in life, and in the case of our transgender example, psychological gender dysphoria and denial of one’s actual physical reality.
In reality, a man is a man, and a woman is a woman. That’s just the way things are.
Freddy Davis is the president of MarketFaith Ministries. He is the author of numerous books entitled The Truth Mirage, Rules for Christians Radicals, Liberalism vs. Conservatism, and his latest book Shattering the Truth Mirage and has a background as an international missionary, pastor, radio host, worldview trainer, and entrepreneur. Freddy is a graduate of Florida State University with a BS in Communication, and holds MDiv and DMin degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a popular speaker, particularly on the topic of worldview and its practical implications for the Christian life. He lives in Tallahassee, FL, with his wife Deborah.
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