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There’s Something Weird, in the Universe, Who Ya Gonna Call?

There’s Something Weird, in the Universe, Who Ya Gonna Call?

The new generation of space telescopes (beginning primarily with the Hubble Space Telescope) were designed to do more than merely give astronomers a better view of the universe. There is some other very serious science packed into these babies. Of course, they have provided us with spectacular images that awe and inspire, and continue to do so.

But one of the main contributions to science that these telescopes were designed to provide are measurements – particularly regarding how fast the universe is expanding. With the new telescopes, the measurements of this expansion have become exceedingly more exact.

As they have become more exact, however, they have also provided scientists with some oddities that they were not expecting. When attempting to compare data from right after the Big Bang to the rate of the universe’s expansion as it currently exists, it seems that there is a significant disparity. The measurements don’t fit the physics as it is currently understood by scientists. Something is weird! Some are even speculating that there is some unknown, new physics at work that humans simply don’t understand at this point in time.

First let me say that many scientists are doing an amazing job of discovering new things. There are massive advances being made in such areas as battery technology, nuclear fusion, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, computer design, genetics, and a whole host of other areas. Many of the advances actually involve discovery of new physical properties or compounds, new uses for existing technology, and even properties of living entities that previously were not completely understood, or even known to exist.

That said, there are still many things that are not understood at all. And that would be okay if scientists were merely content to try to learn what they don’t know. But many are not content with that. In the process of designing experiments and searching for answers concerning things unknown, some scientists have stepped beyond science and are doing work based on unproven (or unprovable) assumptions. 

  • Geology - For instance, certain geologists have made assumptions about what they believe are the causes of various rock formations that they can’t actually validate. With that, they do their science “as if” their beliefs are true, and even dismiss other theories that don’t fit their narrative.
  • Biology - Most biologists blindly accept Darwin’s Theory of Evolution – not based on proof that it is true, but on their belief that understanding the nature of life forms on earth requires interpretation based on naturalistic worldview beliefs. These people dismiss, out of hand, possible explanations based on worldview beliefs that don’t fit that paradigm.
  • Cosmology - And on the topic from which this article was born, cosmologists that believe in a naturalistic worldview are convinced that the universe exists in a particular way and keep getting surprised when evidence emerges that doesn’t fit their narrative.

And there are practical implications to these unsupported naturalistic beliefs, as well. For instance:

  • NASA and other space agencies and organizations are spending billions and billions of dollars on equipment specifically designed detect life on other planets (because they believe life had to have emerged naturally in the universe).
  • Scientists who don’t agree with the naturalistic narrative (regardless of how logical other theories might be) are blackballed from teaching in universities, and from even submitting material to academic magazines.
  • Doctors who disagree with the current prevailing medical narrative of those in power positions are getting fired, canceled on social media, and even taken to court for their insubordination (for example: if they disagree about COVID treatments, the proper way to treat children (or adults) with gender dysphoria, or about who should or should not receive psychological counseling, etc.).

There’s something weird going on all right, but most of the weirdness is not because of what is actually going on in nature. It is because of what is going on in the minds of people who claim to “trust the science” but who reject any theory that does not fit their favorite set of assumptions. Sadly, all this does is to make people not trust the scientists.

Naturalism is not the only worldview that takes the natural universe seriously. Christian Theism does, as well. The difference is, Naturalism dismisses even the possibility that there could be something at play beyond what science can deal with. It is a mistake that will cause them to continue to be baffled as they come across more new and unexpected things in the process of doing their work.

Freddy Davis is the president of MarketFaith Ministries. He is the author of numerous books and has a background as an international missionary, pastor, radio host, worldview trainer, and entrepreneur. Freddy is a graduate of Florida State University with a BS in Communication, and holds MDiv and DMin degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a popular speaker, particularly on the topic of worldview and its practical implications for the Christian life. He lives in Tallahassee, FL, with his wife Deborah.

You may also contact Freddy at Leadership Speakers Bureau to schedule him for speaking or leadership engagements.

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