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Your Heart Revealed - Day 91

Your Heart Revealed - Day 91

Your Heart Revealed

By Mike Stickler

Matthew 6:21
 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.


Well-used verse, right? But a great one for revealing our true heart isn’t it? And one that is well worth a moment-by-moment, deeply soul-searching reflection on how we’re doing in our walk.

  • For the person who treasures their livelihood most of all, they will decide to make sacrifices in other parts of their life, perhaps in regard to relationships outside of work.
  • For those who treasure money or possessions, they might decide to sacrifice having a family, focusing on personal investment.
  • For the person who treasures God’s ways, you will see a willing sacrifice of worldly comforts like careers or pay raises as they discern what path God has for them in their life.

God's treasureWhen Jesus talked about treasures in Matthew Chapter 6, He told us that we could build up wealth on earth, where robbers could take it and where insects and corrosion could destroy it – or – we could build up wealth in heaven, where it would be forever safe. And then He said this: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

For us to be generous, we have to know what is valuable to us – and why. If you can’t understand why you should want to be generous with others, it means that at some level you don’t realize how much God has in store for you in heaven.

So, consider:

  • God gave you His Son.
  • Jesus gave you His life and His righteousness.
  • And because of this, you have eternal blessing to look forward to.

Once that has taken root – foundationally – in your heart, being generous is all you’ll desire to be.

Today’s Generosity Challenge:
It’s a good time to reflect. What have you discovered in your journey to generosity thus far?

Share by writing down any revelation you learn below.


About Michael Stickler

Mike is an author, radio host, and a highly sought after motivational speaker. His best-selling book, A Journey to Generosity, is widely acclaimed throughout the Christian community. He is the publisher of Generous Living Magazine and writes for the Christian Post, 'A Generous Life' column.


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