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Just when you think things can’t get any nuttier, there is it. It seems that no matter where you turn these days, you just see crazy stuff.
One crazy thing I read recently was that membership in Ashley Madison has had a significant surge. Ashley Madison, in case you didn’t know, is a matchmaking website for cheating spouses. That’s right! If you are married and want to cheat on your spouse, there is a website you can access to find other people who also want to cheat on their spouse.
Another thing I read recently is that web traffic on Pornhub is way up. Pornhub is a pornographic video sharing and pornography website. It also has the distinction of being the largest pornographic video-sharing platform in the world.
Now, you might ask, what is so crazy about that? Everybody knows that this kind of thing has become so common that it hardly even makes the news anymore. Well, what makes these news stories notable is the reason for the surges on those two platforms. The uptick on both sites is attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. It seems that some married couples, because of being around each other so much during the quarantine, are getting tired of each other. And many others, with so much extra free time on their hands, are spending it looking at porn.
I guess in one sense, with our hyper-sexualized society, these things are not surprising. Actually, I’m not surprised by it at all. But I am deeply saddened. What we have here are an entire segment of society that is looking to sexual pleasure to fill a deep spiritual hole in their lives.
Of course, people involved in those types of activities would probably not characterize what they do as a spiritual problem. All they see is the physical pleasure aspect of it all. In fact, probably a large percentage of the people who participate in these activities don’t even recognize human beings as spiritual creatures. A naturalistic worldview only sees humans as animal creatures that have evolved the most complex brains in the animal kingdom. As such, they recognize sexual activity as nothing more than animals doing what animals do.
And I guess that would be fine if human beings were actually nothing more than natural animals. But that does not reflect reality. Human beings are persons created by God in his image. God actually does exist, and he created mankind special – with special capacities and capabilities. We are capable of self-conscious thought. We have the ability to exercise free will. But most importantly, we are spiritual persons who have the ability to intentionally enter into a personal relationship with God himself. In fact, that is the very reason he created mankind in the first place – to enjoy that particular relationship. And it is only in the exercise of that relationship that human beings can find the kind of personal fulfillment that fills the spiritual void in our lives.
Sexual promiscuity, and other means of attempting to gain physical pleasure, will simply not do it. We are more than mere physical animals, and it is only as we live our lives in harmony with the way God created reality to exist, that we will find the kind of fulfillment that will plug up that spiritual vacuum.
Freddy Davis is the president of MarketFaith Ministries. He is the author of numerous books and has a background as an international missionary, pastor, radio host, worldview trainer, and entrepreneur. Freddy is a graduate of Florida State University with a BS in Communication, and holds MDiv and DMin degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a popular speaker, particularly on the topic of worldview and its practical implications for the Christian life. He lives in Tallahassee, FL, with his wife Deborah.
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