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Have you heard that old saying, or a similar phrase, “I am THANKFUL for my mistakes!”
Mistakes are either sins, or a product of SIN: the failure to accurately see, hear, remember, speak, understand, and perform a task, or being lazy, angry, prideful, greedy, immoral, drunk, lustful, selfish (the foundation of all sin), & the list goes on.
Gen 3:6–7 “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, & that it was a delight to the eyes, & that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit & ate; & she gave also to her husband with her, & he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, & they knew that they were naked; & they sewed fig leaves together & made themselves loin coverings.”
Ro 6:23 “the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Is all of creation better or worse off for Adam & Eve’s ‘mistake’?
Why edify, encourage, & celebrate SIN?
Rick E. Meyer’s passionate heart for helping others leads him in reading an average of five books per week since the mid-1990s. Author of the book Running on Faith.
Rick’s unique background includes running over 134,000 lifetime miles since June 1978, a B.S. in Agronomy (soil, water, and crops) from Kansas State University, and his M.A. in Christian Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary provides unique synergistic insights. Attendees will dash out of the arenas filled with mind boggling insights into metaphors such as planting seeds, proper tilling, harvest, and seasons.
While running an average of 9 miles per day for 41 years, Rick understands long-term persistence and authentic motivation to overcome every imaginable excuse. He conquered these miles in temperatures ranging from 13 miles in minus 70°F wind-chill (minus 35°F actual) in 1996 to 5 miles in 118°F in 1983. The weather has varied from blizzards, knee deep snow, ice, sleet, freezing rain, torrential rain, hail, lightning, mud, dust, and high winds to perfectly warm and sunny.
“Talk is cheap!”
Meyer’s presentations supply a lifetime of multi-mode “excuse-icides” for the attendees to eliminate their excuses.
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