A Great Reference Source For Business Leaders and Their Professionals Each year billions of dollars of business credit and contracts are restructured under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. In the process, substantial fortunes are reallocated. Debtors in Chapter 11 reorganizations range from some of the largest business entities in the world to small local businesses. When these companies file for protection from creditors under Chapter 11, new problems and opportunities are created. Mr. Alderman draws upon over twenty years of experience counseling clients to explain the key legal theories and offer practical and tactical advice to business leaders, stakeholders and their advisors. "This book should be a part of the libraries of management, practitioners and accountants. It is comprehensive." The Halyard Restructuring Group, LLC. "This well organized and comprehensive book will be a great asset for anyone on either side of a Business Bankruptcy." William Wright, President & Publisher, Park Ave Publishers Inc. "This book is a great reference source with a wealth of insightful information - No accounting firm's library will be complete without a copy." James E. Schultz, CPA, Sheptoff, Reuber & Co.

Attorney Myles Alderman has been representing debtors, creditors, creditors committees and other parties in interest in Chapter 11 Business Reorganizations and alternative business solutions since 1986. His clients include professional services firms, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and financial institutions ranging in size from closely held businesses to some the largest corporations in the world. In 2006, Mr. Alderman was designated one of the top lawyers in the area of Business Bankruptcy Law by the Law and Politics Magazine.
Mr. Alderman is a member of the Business Bankruptcy Section of the American Bar Association, The Business Bankruptcy Section of the American Bankruptcy Institute, and The Executive Committee of the Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Section of the Connecticut Bar Association. He was educated at Kenyon College (A.B. Economics & Psychology), Cambridge University (Post-Grad. Economics), and Syracuse University College of Law (J.D. Cum Laude), where he earned the LFE Goldie Award for Outstanding Scholarship, and was Managing Editor of the Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce. Mr. Alderman is a founding member of Alderman & Alderman.