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The workplace is the largest mission field in the world—and as authentic disciples of Jesus Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can be the vessel that touches the lives of others with the love of Christ, thereby changing the world with ripple effects, through our leadership.
To do so, however, we, as leaders, need to wake up to the Truth. It is time for us to break free from the binds that hold us and to uncover our Truths; to identify the limiting beliefs that we hold that shape our reactions and beliefs; to discover our true identity and higher purpose.
This mission requires us to heal and transform from within so we can better lead others—and if we love God first (and then ourselves), we can lead others through love. With this in mind, we must work on restoring ourselves to wholeness, taking a holistic approach to our health—physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually—with the guidance and love of Christ’s Spirit. By sharing her own God Stories, it is Candace Mae’s hope that she can act as a bridge between you and Christ as a coach, thus allowing you to develop your authentic discipleship with Christ in and through your business; that by speaking of her journey and highlighting the lessons she has learned along the way (including those pertaining to forgiveness, cultivating an abundant mindset, and working against systematic issues and generational sin, among many others), she will touch and inspire others to commence their healing journey, led by Christ.
Covering a whole range of themes with the potential to impact your employees and thus your business—from systemic prejudice and intergenerational pain and abuse to our purpose and spirituality as followers of Christ—Candace Mae brings to vivid clarity the reality of a life lived without Christ, and thus the importance of your forming a close relationship with Christ’s Spirit dwelling within you.
So, are you ready to grow and find your true potential? If so, may this book begin your journey to transformation and purpose!
This book covers:
- Generational and systemic issues
- The brain and parasympathetic nervous system
- Conscious and unconscious mind
- Life and leadership principles
- Stories of personal life experiences that apply the principles
Candace Mae spends her days steeped in connectedness with Christ's Spirit to allow her the Divine insight and guidance on personal and business growth. Whether she's working with her staff, or coaching women in leadership, executives, and business owners – or serving as a Marketplace Care Partner, her sole focus is on integrating love in the workplace to better herself and her clients.
She is developing people-centric, value-based, compassionate servant leadership that CARES. These are the tools she teaches: Communication, Attitude, Relationships, Equipping others, and Sales.
By helping leaders who struggle with a toxic environment - unengaged employees, high absenteeism, and turnover, constantly putting out fires, and internal conflicts – transform it into a warm and welcoming environment where high trust, morale, and productivity. As a result, people look forward to coming to work.
When Candace Mae isn't developing curriculum, coaching, and training, she's practicing speaking or spending time outdoors in nature with animals, family, and 3-beautiful grandchildren in a rural setting where she lives in North County San Diego, California.
I am most excited about my Upcoming Book: “Heaven Within: Restoring Wholeness for Better Leadership.”
Praises for Candace Mae and Heaven Within
Powerfully poignant and deeply intimate, Heaven Within is an emotive and thought-provoking book that will keep your attention page after page. Candace Mae shares her turbulent life story that will inspire you to live your best life.
Heaven Within is a comprehensive guide that seeks to equip leaders in the workplace to live out their life’s calling with resilience empowered by the Holy Spirit. This book promises a transformation in your business, mindset, and relationship with Christ. It will teach you how to purge negative thoughts and emotions and to replace them with truth based on biblical principles. This book is for anyone who finds themselves stuck in life and wants to break free to new life.
– Shannon Kay McCoy, MABC, ACBC
Biblical Counseling Director, Valley Center Community Church,
Author of Help! I’m A Slave to Food
Candace Mae melds compelling personal transparency with skilled experience in working with businesses and individuals to present “Heaven Within,” propelling her readers from cultural confusion and personal weaknesses to living by vibrant, eternal truth.
She sees the workplace as a mission field and seeks to develop hope-filled disciples of Christ that have a ripple effect in influencing others. Her dependence on the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit to lead people to salvation in Christ, deliverance from bondage and fears, and sending them forth in grace is refreshing.
– Dr. Rick Cross, Acorn Global Advance
The past few days I’ve been reading Heaven Within Restoring Wholeness for Better Leadership. It just changed me inside. It really made me look within. Without a doubt, the book is life-changing.
Being raised by a father who was a member of the Klu Klux Klan, in contrast to a mother who chose a life of diversity and inclusion, Candace Mae writes about being torn between a life of bigotry and a life of hope in her new book “Heaven Within”. This book will inspire you to always lean towards hope. For more info go to: linktree/candacemae.com
– Pamela Mabry, Founder of Luke 4:18 Ministries
Host of Break Free Podcast
You may also contact Candace Mae at Leadership Speakers Bureau to schedule her for speaking or leadership engagements.